Art and Antiques, Craft and Gift Store Gallery Management Software                                                
Art and Antiques, Craft and Gift Store Gallery Management Software                                                

Why use a Masterpiece Powered web Site with QuickLink TM ?

Static is BAD

Do you ever go to a web site and have trouble finding the information you want?

Most web sites you see today are STATIC. A static site is made up of lots and lots of different pages. While each page may contain several images, the images are rarely, if ever, updated. The problem with a static page is that as a customer views your site, they may be viewing information that is weeks, or even months old. Or they may not be able to view the works you have available currently.

Dynamic is GOOD

Wouldn't it be nice if you could find exactly what you are interested in, and know that the information is current?

Masterpiece Web sites are Dynamic. This means that when a customer goes to your web site and wants to see pieces by a certain artist (or medium, category, price, etc.) the web site goes to a database of your works and displays all of the pieces that match the customer's selection. The customer always sees the latest works - and they don't get frustrated by having to scroll through all the "clutter" that is found on static sites.

Automatic is BEST!

So, how EASY is it to keep a site up to date?

Think of it like this:

Each time you bring a new piece into the gallery, you will catalog it as part of your normal day-to-day business. That is, you will tell Masterpiece, running on your own computer in the gallery, about this piece. Title, Subject, Medium, Dimensions, Price, etc. Normally, you would also attach a Digital Image to the piece as well. This images can come from a CD, a Digital Camera, or anyplace else.

The point is that you have just entered EXACTLY the same information you would want on your web site. Of course, you might not want every piece in your gallery to be displayed on your web site - so Masterpiece lets you easily select which pieces will go to the site.

To keep your site up to date, all you have to do is tell Masterpiece to take the information you just entered and "Update My Web site." You don't have to do ANY extra work.

Why is Masterpiece better than other art software?

Masterpiece Engineers developed a technology that lets you actually link your in-store database with the database for your web site. It's quick, powerful, and EASY. We call the new technology "QuickLink".

Most other art software programs that update web sites don't really "talk" to your web site. They just throw information up to the site to be displayed. And, some systems can't even do that reliably.

With a Masterpiece site, not only will the system put information ONTO the site, but it can get information FROM your site. We developed a TRULY integrated system that actually synchronizes the information. This process is so unique that, if you have a shopping cart on your web site, Masterpiece can even automatically import web site sales directly into the your local computer's database.

What this means for you is that the process of maintaining your site is SO EASY that it can be done by the same people that manage the inventory in your gallery. There is no need to learn FTP or HTML or ANYTHING extra.

No other software company has invested the time, trouble, and expense to develop this type of connection.